Professional Decorative Concrete in New Braunfels, Canyon Lake, and San Antonio

Enhance Your Property with Stunning Decorative Concrete Solutions from Varsity Pools & Patios

Gone are the days where the implementation of concrete results in a product that is dull and boring. A slab of concrete is no longer a cold and grey foundation but a blank canvas with limitless potential for bringing color and charm to your residential property!
Your living room floor or outdoor patio will be completely transformed by the restoration of your existing concrete flooring. And, if you are building a new home or adding on a new pool, you’ll want to explore concrete options that will bring your plans for flooring to the next level, leaving you with something to really brag about to family and friends. In the past, such decorative concrete projects were reserved for elite companies or high-end country clubs. You saw ornate designs when you visited the city or saw pictures online.

Decorative Concrete Options for Your Home - Varsity Backyards - New Braunfels, TX
Decorative Concrete - Varsity Backyards - New Braunfels, TX

However, as technology has expanded, flooring designers and technicians have benefited from all of the software and machinery that this new age brings. The concrete concepts that were previously reserved for only a few are now tangibly at the fingertips of any and every homeowner. In short, if you dream it then we can design it!

At Varsity Backyards, we recognize that you want to welcome your guests in style while also improving your property value. Enhancing your entryway, sidewalk, patio or driveway with custom scored and stained concrete will give your home a distinctive touch. Rather than having a home that blends in with every other house on the block, yours will really stand out!
Our talented team of designers will join you in visualizing and creating a unique plan for your concrete flooring that will go well beyond what you could achieve on your own. By the time that you would have acquired all of the necessary tools and resources and watched countless YouTube videos to train yourself in how to work with concrete, we could have already gotten the job done for you. And, at an affordable price! With that kind of a deal, who wouldn’t want to go that direction with their upcoming project?

This decorative alternative is the perfect answer to any home that is in need of a bold statement or key focal point. Many times our living space blends together in such a way that
there is actually no design statement at all. When all that you see is the same color or texture, then nothing stands out.
You wouldn’t expect for such a solution to your lifeless living space to come from your concrete floor, but it can! Your family and friends will enjoy gathering around your fire pit and outdoor kitchen because the ground beneath them ties in with the rest of the décor. Rather than sticking out like a sore thumb, your dull concrete patio floor can become a decorative accent that causes the whole space to make sense.

Whether you are interested in adding decorative concrete to your indoor or outdoor space in an existing or brand new structure, we are happy to take on your project! Our team of designers will meet you where you are and help develop and customize an artistic statement that captures just what you have in mind!

Call us today for more information on how to get started making this concrete dream a true reality.

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